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Originating from the word 'oo-la-la', Oola is that state of awesomeness you experience when your life is balanced and growing in all the key areas of health and well-being. 


It can be a noun or a verb. It can be a destination or a feeling. It can be as complex as a life growing and balanced in fitness, finance, family, field, faith, friends, and fun (the 7 F's of Oola), or as simple as a sunset, a quiet book on the beach, or a special moment with a child. 


It is that place we all shoot for in life. That feeling we experience and that we celebrate in our successes along the way. In short, Oola is cool. 


More than 20 years ago, two holistic physicians—Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—created Oola to help people establish new habits, practice new ways of living, and take those daily actions that are key to bringing life into balance, then keeping it that way on an ongoing basis. Today, “The OolaGuys” are international bestselling authors, social media influencers, personal growth experts, and founders of Oola Coaching with countless successful clients around the world.

Since the first copy of their blockbuster book, Oola, rolled off the presses years ago, the Oola lifestyle has become a phenomenon with over a million readers seeking the balanced OolaLife. In cities across America, Dr. Dave and Dr. Troy arrive in their 1970 VW Surf Bus—inviting fans to write their biggest dreams on multicolored stickers, then slap the colorful circles on the sides of the OolaBus. Twenty-five layers of stickers later, their city tours are major events, their OolaPalooza live training routinely sells out, and more than a million fans on social media have brought Oola to every major city in the world.

Countless success stories of real people around the globe confirm that the simple, practical, easy-to-implement Oola formula works to help people get healthy, eliminate debt, build wealth, move into their dream career, have more fun, create a better circle of friends, resolve lifelong family conflict, find their ultimate life purpose . . . and so much more.

Oola Coaching

Oo´• la \ n. adj. \ 

1 a: a state of awesomeness  b: a life that is balanced and growing in the key areas of health, finances, career, relationships, and well-being  c: a destination (i.e., getting to Oola) 2 a: describing actions, insights and goals that lead to a balanced life (ex: That’s so Oola.)  3 a: the ultimate plan for achieving balance in an unbalanced world.

Oola Life

If you took inventory of your life today, you’d discover that every circumstance, challenge, opportunity and achievement you experience fits into 7 major categories:

FITNESS - Everything health and wellness in your life. Primarily referring to how you use your body and what you put in your body.

FINANCE - All things personal finance.

FAMILY - Single, committed, married, divorced, children, step-children, extended family… all belong here.

FIELD - Your career and your profession. Stay-at-home parents and students, this includes you.

FAITH - Based on gratitude, humility, and an understanding of our greater purpose in the world.

FRIENDS - Everything social. Includes two categories: friends and acquaintances.

FUN -  Explores your personal passions in life.

We call these “The 7 F’s of Oola,” and focusing on improving in each of these areas will get you to the OolaLife faster than almost any other way. 

Colette Life Coach

Oola is not about achieving an important goal in a single area. It’s not just about making more money or losing weight or meeting your soulmate. It’s also about tackling the tough stuff, cleaning up relationships, setting boundaries, and eliminating stress—all while dreaming big dreams again and putting together a plan to get the complete life you want... the OolaLife.

Gary Life Coach

I was at a crossroads in my life. I was lost and had no direction. My life had no structure or purpose. I struggled each day going into work with no joy or direction.

I attended an Oola workshop and learned a step-by-step structured blueprint to achieve success.

In a short time following the workshop, I noticed tangible results. I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel and hope returned. This has been a life-changing experience for me. I am very grateful for Colette and Gary and bringing Oola into my life.

- Anonymous

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